Beads & Beyond - January 2015, Koraliki na szydełku (BEAD)

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//-->chain maille • stringing • silversmithing • mixed media • and moreJanuary 201523pages ofstringingand linkinginspiration49designsfantasticfolkloreandfantasyStep into a world ofmystery and magicMystical metalwork,fit for a fairy queenNew Year resolutions togive your beading a boostIssue 88• UK £4.50for all your beading needsCharms for all occasions from 10p each47 Tamworth Street, Lich eld, Sta ordshire, WS13 6JW01543 417650Shop open Mon-Wed 10am to 4pm; Thur to Sat 10am to 5pm Closed Sundays and all Bank Holiday Mondayswww.spellboundbead.co.ukEDITORHelen Bowenbab@traplet.comEDITORIAL ASSISTANTAimee Beardaimee.beard@traplet.comREGULAR CONTRIBUTORSTrish Latimer, Trudi Doherty, Jo Tinley,Claire Lockwood, Rebecca Handy, RebeccaAnderson, Sue Mason Burns, Sarah Tucker& Rachel NorrisMANAGING DIRECTORTony StephensonOPERATIONS DIRECTORTom StephensonDESIGN & PRODUCTION MANAGERNick PowellMAGAZINE DESIGN & LAYOUTRuth WhalleyPHOTOGRAPHYTomasz SochackiMARKETING EXECUTIVELara Hunter Tel: 01684 588550email: lara.hunter@traplet.comADVERTISING SALES EXECUTIVEHelen Lockley Tel: 01684 588510email: helen.lockley@traplet.comADVERTISING COPY CONTROLLERCindi Griffiths Tel: 01684 588517email: adcopy@traplet.comTRADE SALES EXECUTIVEAngela Price Tel: 01684 588568email: angela.price@traplet.comPRINTERWarners plcNEWSSTAND DISTRIBUTIONSeymour Distribution Ltd.(020 7429 4000)US DISTRIBUTIONTraplet Distribution USA Ltd.,816 Country Fair Drive Suite 5,Champaign, Il 61821Order hotline and Customer servicesPat - 217-355-2970 Matt - 217-974-0472Fax: 217-954-0372 Email: usa@traplet.comAUSTRALIAN DISTRIBUTIONTraplet Publications & Hobbies, P.O. Box501, Engadine, NSW 2233, Australia.Tel: (02) 9520 0933 Fax: (02) 9520 0032email: sales@traplet.com.auSOUTH AFRICAN DISTRIBUTIONTraplet Publications South Africa (PTY) Ltd.,P.O. Box 1067, Oudtshoorn, 6620,South Africa. Tel/Fax: +27 44 272 5978email: southafrica@traplet.comPUBLISHED BYTraplet Publications Limited, Traplet House,Pendragon Close, Malvern, Worcestershire,WR14 1GA, England.Customer Services Tel: 01684 588599Fax: 01684 578558email: customerservice@traplet.comSUBSCRIPTIONS1 Year subscription prices:UK £54.00 Europe £76.80W/Wide £80.40 USA & Canada US$133.442 Years subscription prices:UK £108.00 Europe £153.60W/Wide £160.80 USA & Canada US$266.88BACK ISSUESUK £4.50/US $9.99HelloEDITORHelen BowenHappy New Year to you all! Welcome to the first issue of 2015! This January,we’re continuing our series of themed issues with jewellery (and non-jewellery!) makes inspired by myths, legends, folklore and fantasy!Editor’schoiceLabradorite is a favouritegemstone with many.It is such a beautifulstone and really needsvery little embellishment.Joanne Tinley’s ‘titania’jewellery set succeedsin setting off thismysterious gem withjust the right amount ofspiralling silverwork tokeep the design simpleand fit for a fairy queen.Turn to page 36 for thisinspiring project.With a plethora of fantasy drama productions currently on both the small and bigscreens, you can’t help but notice the big-budget costumes and the beauty of thehistory-inspired accessories. If you fancy having a go at your own piece of ‘fantastical’jewellery, why not tryat Sarah Austin’s ‘lady of the woods’ chain maille necklace (p10)or my ‘Celtic circles’ collection (p16).If you love the luxury of leather, discover Natalia Colman’s stunning statement phoenixnecklace on page 52 or make this versatile material a feature of a bracelet inspired byour Top 5 designs on page 50.You’ll love the chance to build your confidence in wirework with Dawn Gatehouse’s‘crescent moon’ brooch (p72) and Trish Latimer’s gorgeous take on a dream catcherin ‘capture your dreams’ (p68). Both will serve to protect you from negative energyduring the coming year!With all the usual regular features including a colourful Designer Challenge fromPrecious Sparkle Beads, let’s get 2015 off to a great start!Happy creating!HelenDon’t forget to look for extra content on our blogwww.beadsandbeyondmagazine.blogspot.co.uk.This month: we reveal the creationsof our Facebook mini designchallenge winner using her prizehaul of Swarovski crystal beadsSave21% whenyou subscribeand get Beads &Beyond straightto your door.See page 14This magazine is sold subject to the following conditions: thatit shall not without written consent of the publishers be lent,resold or otherwise disposed of by way of trade in excess of therecommended maximum retail price. All rights strictly reserved.No part of this publication may be reproduced in any waywithout the prior agreement of the publisher. All letters mustbe accompanied by the sender’s full name and address. Thepublisher cannot accept responsibility forunsolicited correspondence nor some of the opinions expressed.All material and artwork originated by Traplet Publications Ltd.,photographs, drawings, plans used in this magazine become thepublishers copyright under Copyright law. Some photographsmay have been digitally re-mastered. The Company reservesthe right to suspend or refuse any advertisements withoutgiving reasons. Whilst every care is taken to avoid mistakes,Traplet Publications Ltd. cannot be liable in any way for errors oromissions. Nor can the Publisher accept any responsibility for thebona fides of advertisers.© Traplet Publications Limited 2014ISSN 1754839XHave you subscribed to theBeads & Beyond email newsletter?Sign up now and get the latest news, competitions and special offers straight to your inbox.Signing up is easy, free and secure and you can unsubscribe at any time. We guaranteenever to share your details with any third parties.Type www.eepurl.com/PoQFr into your browser or scan the QR code to subscribe.Find us on...4www.beadsandbeyondmagazine.comThe ultimatestitching, knitting&crafting shows!SPRINGSHOWSSPRINGSHOWSSPRING SPRING SPRINGSHOWSSPRINGSHOWSSTITCHING SEWING & HOBBYCRAFTSEVENTCITY, MANCHESTER::6 - 8 FEBRUARY 2015----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------STITCHING, SEWING &QUILTING/HOBBYCRAFTSSECC, GLASGOW ::5 - 8 MARCH 2015----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SEWING FOR PLEASURE/FASHIONEMBROIDERY & STITCH/HOBBYCRAFTSNEC, BIRMINGHAM ::19 - 22 MARCH 2015----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------STITCHING, SEWING & HOBBYCRAFTS/FASHION & EMBROIDERYEXCEL, LONDON ::27 - 29 MARCH 2015Buy tickets on-linewww.ichfevents.co.ukor phone Ticket Hotline01425 277988EACH ADULT & SENIOR TICKETIF ORDERED AT LEAST ONE WEEK BEFORE THE SHOW.SAVE UP TO £2 OFF! 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