Beautiful Bridal Bouquet,

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Beautiful Bridal Bouquet

Created by Ms. Brenda

Materials needed:

·         Small paper plate

·         Small doily

·         Long Pipe Cleaners (green)

·         Flower pattern

·         Thick ribbon (any color)

·         Medium sized beads

·         Colored craft foam or construction paper

·         Pencil

·         Scissors


1. Make a print of the flower pattern on your computer. Cut out the pattern pieces. You may want to use different colored paper.

2.  If you want to use the craft foam, simply trace the patterns onto the foam and cut it out.

3. Place the doily on top of the plate, and poke a hole through the center of both of them.

4. Poke two holes in the center of each of the flowers.

5. Thread a pipecleaner through the one of the holes and through a bead.  Then thread the pipecleaner back down through the other hole.

6. Instead of threading the other part of the pipecleaner through the plate, form it into the shape of a leaf.

7. Do this with all three leaves.

8. Tie a ribbon around the three pipecleaners that are sticking out of the bottom of the plate.

9. Curl the ends of the bottom pipecleaner if you desire.


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