Bearden - Fact Sheet - Leyton Hierarchies of Symmetry - updated 04-07-2004, Energy from the Vacuum

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Fact Sheet 2003-03

Leyton’s Hierarchies of Symmetry: Solution to the Major Asymmetry Problem of Thermodynamics

© T. E. BeardenAugust 22, 2003; updated July 4, 2004.


The Problem: Thermodynamics Has a Temporal Asymmetry Problem, Recognized for a Century, Because the Second Law Excludes Negative Entropy processes and Nature does not.

·         Assuming some controlled available system energy to start with, the second law provides that, in subsequent interactions, the entropy S of a system can only remain the same or increase. Or, S ³ 0, once the subsequent interactions start.

·         This says nothing at all about how the initial available excess system energy got there.

·         The recognized major problem in thermodynamics arises from the present Second Law. As Price states {}:

"A century or so ago, Ludwig Boltzmann and other physicists attempted to explain the temporal asymmetry of the second law of thermodynamics. …the hard-won lesson of that endeavor—a lesson still commonly misunderstood—was that the real puzzle of thermodynamics is not why entropy increases with time, but why it was ever so low in the first place."

·         The real problem is: “Given the Second Law’s prohibition of negative entropy operations, how did the initial order (energy) get there in the first place, in any system?” This is simply the  same “Problem with the Second Law”.  As far as the  present form of the Second Law is concerned, acquisition of the original energy could only have been “created from nothing”.  Of course that violates the First Law, which states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed.

·         This means that thermodynamics is presently self-inconsistent—which causes  the “greatest problem in thermodynamics itself.”

·         The problem particularly arises in prevailing notions of the origin of the universe, whether “big bang” or “steady whimper”. A great deal of organization and energy came from somewhere or somehow, in a relatively short time cosmologically, to initially generate enormous negative entropy {} shortly after the beginning.

·         If the energy of our observable universe somehow came from “outside” (thus saving energy conservation), then it represented “loss” of available energy (positive entropy) to that outside source, and “gain” of available energy (negative entropy) to our universe.

·         This suggests a possible clue to the solution: Look for a lower or “outside” broken symmetry generating a higher negative entropy (higher symmetry) across an interface between the outside source and our observable universe.

·         We find precisely this required characteristic in a combination of (i) Leyton’s object-oriented geometry with advanced new group theoretic methods, (ii)  his resulting hierarchies of symmetry {}, and (iii)  the broken symmetries of particle physics.

·         Further, our observable state physical universe is energetically separated from its associated virtual state vacuum by a quantum threshold interface. The vacuum has extraordinary virtual energy density {} and continuously exchanges energy with observable state matter and charges. This exchange generates all observable forces of nature, in the modern particle physics view.

·         We are thus focused directly upon the disordered virtual energy of the vacuum, and some required process to coherently integrate disordered virtual vacuum energy into ordered observable energy, crossing the quantum threshold boundary and providing a universal negative entropy process. As we shall see, Leyton already provides this.

·         In recognition of the “major problem of thermodynamics”, Price also states {}:

"…the major task of an account of thermodynamic asymmetry is to explain why the universe as we find it is so far from thermodynamic equilibrium, and was even more so in the past."

·         A universal theoretical process for producing continuous negative entropy will of course solve the problem, if a physical system producing it can also be exhibited experimentally. Leyton’s hierarchies of symmetry  provides the theoretical process {3}, and every charge in the universe is already just such a required physical system obeying Leyton’s principle, as pointed out by the present author {}.

·         Experimentally any charge can be shown to continuously emit observable photons in all directions as real EM energy, without any observable EM energy input. Hence the associated EM fields and potentials are established and maintained by the continuous energy outpouring of their source charges.

·         The question of how a charge continuously radiates real EM energy with no detectable energy input was unsolved for more than a century. E.g., Sen {} stated:

"The connection between the field and its source has always been and still is the most difficult problem in classical and quantum electrodynamics."

Kosyakov {} states the problem bluntly:

"A generally acceptable, rigorous definition of radiation has not as yet been formulated. …"The recurring question has been: Why is it that an electric charge radiates but does not absorb light waves despite the fact that the Maxwell equations are invariant under time reversal?”

·         With no observable energy input, either the source charge continuously creates observable energy from nothing and destroys the conservation of energy law, or else the input energy does exist but is in disordered virtual state form. In the latter case, there must then exist a coherent integration process to integrate disordered virtual energy into ordered observable energy.

·         These “source charge difficulties” were not solved prior to the present author’s solution {6} in 2000. We have also now given the exact physical mechanism for the required coherent integration process.

·         The integration process is as follows: Each virtual photon absorbed by the source charge is changed to a differential dm of the charge’s mass m. Mass-energy is unitary, so the direction from which the photon energy absorption occurs is immaterial. Each successive absorption of a virtual photon produces an additional dm. As a function of time, the total mass differential Dm(t)  is given by the additive series Dm(t)  = (dm1 + dm2 + ... + dmi + …) and the mass-energy is given by m + Dm(t) = m + (dm1 + dm2 + ... + dmi + …).  When the steadily integrating Dm(t)  reaches the energy excitation level required for an observable photon, it has reached the quantum level that separates virtual state from observable state. At that point the constant zitterbewegung of the vacuum simply “knocks out” the excitation photon energy Dm(t) as an emitted observable photon, resulting in the sharp decay of the excitation energy level (m + Dm) back to m. The process iterates, providing continual emission of real, observable photons from the source charge—without any observable energy input—while obeying the conservation of energy law.

·         By this process, the charge continuously consumes positive entropy of the disordered virtual state vacuum, and produces negative entropy—in the form of its ordered fields and potentials—at the next higher level, the observable state. The intensities of the associated fields and potentials of the charge, of course, are ordered as a function of radial distance. This is in accord with Leyton’s hierarchies of symmetry principle.

·         As a physical  EM system continuously producing negative entropy, the  source charge completely falsifies the present highly restricted Second Law of thermodynamics, and requires its updating and correction.

Facts Bearing on the Problem: Characteristics of the Second Law and Its Experimental Falsification.

·         The present form of the Second Law rigorously applies only at near-equilibrium and equilibrium conditions {}, and one-way in between (from an initially excited system state to its later equilibrium state). In fact, the Second Law  is merely a disguised statement that a slightly excited (and slightly out of equilibrium) system will—in subsequent interactions—mostly decay to the equilibrium condition (the condition of maximum entropy). It does not address the negative entropy operation necessary to excite the system’s departure  from equilibrium in the first place, thereby reducing its entropy. In short, it is a “special situation” law only.

·         The present Second Law  was never a general law of nature as it has been mistakenly interpreted for more than a century. Indeed, it has always been an oxymoron assuming its own contradiction has first occurred, before the entropy accounting begins.

·         The Second Law is statistical, so it need not apply to just a few involved entities where statistical analysis is inapplicable. This is the accepted “small number” violation of the Second Law, which is well-known.

·         The Second Law is also violated in transient statistical fluctuations {}, where usual entropic reactions may run backwards and produce negative entropy for a time. An especially important fluctuation theorem  involving this effect has been given by Evans and Searles {}. It was further generalized by Crooks {}.

·         Wang et al. {} have experimentally shown such actual fluctuation violations in chemical solutions at cubic micron level and for up to two seconds. In water, e.g., a cubic micron contains some 30 billion ions and molecules. In an ensemble of up to that size, under conditions shown by Wang et al., negative entropy reactions can occur for up to two seconds and sometimes longer {}.

·         Evans and Rondoni {} then showed that systems continuously producing negative entropy are possible in theory. Startled, they felt that real physical systems could not exhibit such behavior, but admitted that

“…the problem persists for situations arbitrarily close to equilibrium, and for all deterministic dissipative dynamics."

·         However, every charge in the universe already exhibits precisely such continuous negative entropy production {6}, as we have pointed out.  Further, the source charge’s “dissipation” emission of observable photons is deterministic since the resulting intensities of the fields and potentials are deterministic as a function of radial distance from the charge.  Hence the source charge and its fields and potentials constitute a physical example of a real EM system fulfilling the statement by Evans and Rondoni {15} of the “persistence of the continuous negative entropy system problem for all deterministic dissipative dynamics.”

·         The source charge problem was unsolved for a century. It was so embarrassing that it was scrubbed out of the classical electromagnetics (CEM)  and electrical engineering (EE) texts. Hence the current conventional CEM/EE model implicitly assumes that the source charge does produce its associated fields and potentials and their energy, but  that it freely creates all that energy “right out of nothing at all”, in total violation of the conservation of energy law.

·         The reason that CEM and EE have not solved the problem is simple: It cannot be solved by classical Maxwell-Heaviside electrodynamics methods. The CEM and EE model does not model the virtual state vacuum and its known and proven energetic interaction with the source charge.  Hence the model does not contain the solution—or even the possibility for the solution—of the source charge problem.

·         To evoke the proven asymmetry of opposite charges, our solution to the source charge problem {6} is also based on the accepted quantum field theory view of the charge and its vacuum polarization as a special dipolar ensemble {}. The bare charge in the middle is surrounded by virtual charges of opposite sign in the polarized vacuum. Both charges are infinite, but their difference is finite and is the textbook value of the “classical charge”—what the external observer sees or measures of the internal infinite bare charge through its external screening vacuum infinite charge of opposite sign.

o        The ensemble exhibits the known broken symmetry of opposite charges.

o        The charge ensemble thus continuously absorbs virtual photons from the seething vacuum, coherently integrates the absorbed energy, and re-emits observable photons. Thus the source charge pours out real photons in all directions, establishing and continuously replenishing its so-called “static” fields and potentials, spreading outward at light speed.

o        The coherent integration process of the excitation and decay “pumping” of the charged mass continually consumes positive entropy of the disordered virtual particle flux of the vacuum, and continually converts it to negative entropy output in the observable state.

o        The resulting fields and potentials that are established and continually replenished, are deterministically ordered as a function of radial distance.

·         This process produces ordered, observable macroscopic EM energy from the vacuum’s disordered virtual energy flux.

o        Thermodynamically the charge is a nonequilibrium steady state (NESS) system, continuously fed by vacuum energy, and continuously performing work to transduce the form of the absorbed virtual energy into emitted observable energy.

o        It is also a deterministic process, since the emitted photon energy intensity is ordered with respect to radial distance from the source charge.

·         Thus every charge continuously produces negative entropy as shown theoretically possible by Evans and Rondoni {15} for deterministic NESS systems. The charge continuously consumes positive entropy in the virtual state and produces negative entropy in the observable state—including macroscopically to any size desired, as its ordered fields and potentials spread outward at light speed.

·         Simply regauging a system to increase its potential energy—ubiquitously permitted and used in gauge field theory and by every electrodynamicist—totally violates the Second Law at any size level and for any period of time, so long as the regauged energy is usable by the system. The potential—and therefore the ordered, available potential energy—of an EM system can be freely changed in magnitude at will, by the well-known gauge freedom principle {}.

·         But to be a negative entropy operation for the system, excess energy must be freely received by the system and must be usable by the system. This means that the regauging must be asymmetrical rather than symmetrical. It also would seem that the free net new force created by asymmetrical regauging must not act (translate spatially) during the regauging process. Nonetheless, asymmetrical regauging to increase the potential energy of the system directly falsifies the present Second Law, since it is a negative entropy operation. It also falsifies that assumption in the First Law which holds that any change in the magnitude of an external system parameter (such as its scalar potential V) constitutes work a priori. Hence a slight revision of the First Law is indicated, and a wholesale revision of the Second Law is indicated.

·         Oddly, electrodynamicists universally use free regauging, but  by convention they arbitrarily utilize two asymmetrical regaugings specifically chosen to make the net regauging symmetrical {}. In that case, the freely regauged system cannot then use its excess free regauging energy to do work in the load! Instead, the symmetrically regauged system merely “locks up” its excess free regauging energy as excess stress in the system, by specifically creating two new forces that are equal and opposite and thus can only stress the system! Arbitrarily, regauging is only done by our electrodynamicists and electrical engineers so there can be no allowed net force field resultant to dissipate the free excess regauging energy by using it to push electron current through the load and provide free work in the load.

·         Our own theoreticians have unwittingly and deliberately excised that entire class of vacuum-powered COP > 1.0 Maxwell-Heaviside systems from the theory, in order to achieve “simpler” equations more readily having closed analytical solutions! In the blind devotion to symmetry and “beauty”, generations of theorists and engineers have set up and implemented the huge and terribly destructive “symmetrically regauging” electrical power system we use today, and for which we so monstrously ravage the earth and its biosphere.

o        As a demonstrable example, voltage amplification or transfer in a system, without allowing system current flow, is work-free and involves only energy transfer in the same form. We strongly stress that work is the changing of the form of some energy, not the changing of its magnitude if it remains in the same form. Mere change of magnitude of a single potential by input of energy in the same form is ...

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