Bepin Behari - Fundementals of Vedic Astrology - 2003, English ebooks 4
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//-->ContentsPART IBASIC INFORMATION1.Bhavas1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 122.Nakshatras1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 2324 25 26 273.Signs1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12PART IIIBASIC CONCEPTS1.Cosmic man2.Cardinal houses3.Spiritual Triangle4.Triangle of Materiality5.Mysterious DepthIVPREDICTIVE GUIDELINES1. Rules1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 102. YogasAVATAR, Mahapurusha, Neechabhanga rajayoga, Raja yogas,Moon jupiter, kalasarpaEDITOR'S FOREWORDWhen Westerners approach the study of Hindu astrology, they are usuallylooking for something quite definite. They are looking for aspiritualastrology — a discipline which will throw light(jyotish)on their karma,their spiritual path, their ultimate purpose. The psychological emphasis ofastrology in the West has proven somehow insufficient for their needs; theyfeel compelled to go beyond psychoanalysis to the techniq+ues ofenlightenment.But to the seeker, no matter how earnest, Hindu astrology seems, at first,somewhat daunting. Various writers on the subject have stressed thepredictive element in Hindu astrology — giving one the impression that hereis a science concerned primarily with externals, an astrology which is farmore focused on worldly matters than our own.Surely, we say, there must be more. An ancient spiritual culture such asIndiamusthave an astrology which embodies the philosophical principles ofYoga and Vedanta. But how do we get beyond the surface level and contactthe spiritual core of the science? The Hindu astrological scriptures, evenwhen they are available to us (and they are often difficult to obtain), containhundreds of rules and mathematical fonnulae to be memorized, and arewritten in the language of medieval India, a culture and world view entirelyforeign to most of us.Bepin Behari seeks out the yogic principles which underlie the ancientwritings. He elucidates the spiritual core upon which the rules and formulaehave been based. In so doing, he restores to us the vision of the early Vedicastrologers. As David Frawley has remarked in his introduction to Behari'sMyths and Symbols of Vedic Astrology,he preserves a "deeper and olderwisdom tradition."But if there is much that is old in Behari's work, there is also much that isnew. Bepin Behari is a species of "Renaissance man." An economist byprofession, he is also one of modern India's most widely publishedastrologers. He maintains a lively interest in Western psychology (especiallyJung) and in quantum physics. He has been deeply influenced both byTheosophy and by traditional Hindu philosophy. All of these influences finda place in his work.Behari is uniquely qualified to give Westerners a sense of the spiritualastrology they seek. He focuses on the inner principles upon which Vedicastrology is based, then defines those principles in the light of contemporarypsychology and scientific speculation. He joins the ranks of those who seekto re-formulate Vedic wisdom for the modern world so that it may regain itsrightful place as a truly integrated path which encompasses science, religion,psychology, and life in general. During the middle years of the twentiethcentury, Dane Rudhyar — another Renaissance man who was deeplyinfluenced by Theosophy — gave Western astrology a thorough re-structuring which made of it a deeply meaningful form of psychology.Behari, in giving Hindu astrology an equally thorough restructuring, makesit a true spiritual science.Fundamentals of Vedic Astrology, Vedic Astrologer's Handbook Iis thesecond of Behari's works to be published by Passage Press(Myths andSymbols of Vedic Astrologywas the first). Many more are planned. TheHandbookis intended primarily as a teaching manual, though it is a teachingmanual enriched with philosophical speculation and spiritual exegesis. Thefirst volume covers the basic principles of the art, while the second isdevoted to an extremely detailed treatment of planets hi the various signsand houses. The third volume will deal with predictive techniques and withsynthesizing all the information into a practical but spiritual method ofinterpreting the horoscope, while the fourth will be comprised of essays onvarious astrological topics.Hindu astrologers have never pretended that their art is simple. Behari willdemand your full attention. Youwillstudy! But those who take the time tomaster the techniques offered in theFundamentals of Vedic Astrologywillfind the spiritual astrology they have been seeking. They will also findunexpected gems of wisdom in the more philosophical portions of the book.To all those about to enter Bepin Behari's rich inner world: Happywandering.Kenneth JohnsonMarch 1991Santa Fe, New MexicoPREFACEVedic astrology has its roots in ancient Vedic occultism. The Vedic seersconsidered the Jyotish Shastra, which dealt with the knowledge of the future,as an important limb of the Vedas. The antiquity of the Vedas themselves islost in archaic tunes and any effort to fix their origin is beyond humancapability. The authorship of the various scriptures is attributed to severaldifferent seers, but none of them claimed originality. They merely recordedthe wisdom they had heard or remembered. Time has not tarnished theirwork. During the course of human civilization the intellectual horizon ofmankind has expanded and new lights have begun to shine from the ancientwisdom. With every new revelation, the ancient wisdom becomes yet moreprofound. But as yet, we have not succeeded in identifying the originalfoundation upon which the superstructure was raised, or the eternal springfrom which these drops of nectar are drawn.Vedic astrology is not inductive. Its principles are not founded solely uponcelestial mechanics by way of which generalizations can be made forapplication to posterity. Vedic astrology reflects the understanding andperception of ancient spiritual teachers regarding the facts of life. If thereceiving instrument was not perfect and the reflecting medium free fromevery distortion, the understanding of this mysterious life-process could notbe everlasting. Even when perception was free from any bias, the impartingof the knowledge had to be very carefully accomplished. Especially whenthe wisdom had to be transmitted over a long period of tune, the languagehad to be such that the impact of time was minimal. Only a language whicharose from the very nature of the objects and relationships it was designed toexpress could be useful in this regard. The most important handicap arosefrom the psycho-spiritual equipment possessed by the student, who had tocomprehend the messages conveyed by the seers. Generally, a studentinterprets or bends the wisdom to suit and fit his own experience,understanding, and psychological propensities.The ancient seers did not inquire merely out of intellectual curiosity. Theywanted to understand the laws of nature so that they could adapt themselvesto these laws and enlighten the paths of other seekers. Astrology was"enlightenment” in the sense that its manifestation resulted from the processof enlightening the Eternal Darkness or Nothingness. Jyotish Shastra isrelated to the nature of light and the radiation of various objects (especiallythe celestial entities), but this process had a purpose and a direction as wellas a carefully defined nature and specific laws. Several occult scripturesconcern themselves with different aspects of this process of manifestationand one cannot hope to comprehend the sublime nature of Vedic astrologyunless it is approached from a wider perspective.TheYoga Sutrasindicate the goal of one's intelligence and the process bywhich distortions in the same may be eliminated. Once an individual is ableto attain clarity in perception, there are immense possibilities for him.Patanjali, author of theYoga Sutraswhich are of such great value in thesepresent times, tells us that the clarity attained by yogic practices can enablethe practitioner to concentrate on the Sun and know the secret it holds withregard to the working of the solar system and the inhabitants dwellingtherein. The basic principles of Vedic astrology resulted from this kind ofattainment. By going to the very source, it is possible even today forstudents to understand the deeper meanings of celestial relationships. Unlessone is able to attain perfection in yogic discipline, it is useless to ponderover the basic astrological tenets or seek to comprehend and intuit theirdeeper implications. Engaging in the necessary yogic practices, the relatedmetaphysical knowledge coming from the archaic past should also beintensively studied.The present study is a modest attempt to present merely a portion of theancient astrological knowledge of the Vedic Aryans. The author has beenmerely an infant, trying to understand the spiritual nature of astrology andother occult literature of the East. He is not a professional astrologer anddoes not claim infallibility in his predictions. But his acquaintance with thesubject for the last fifty years has shown him that a proper and unbiasedapproach may be very rewarding for the student, and reveal to him thepurpose of his life and how to grapple with his everyday problemseffectively so that, over the course of several incarnations, he succeeds inestablishing a harmonious balance with Nature. The author has also learntthat the use of this approach in predicting the future of others proveseffective in counseling. A large number of individuals with whom he has
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