Beading - Bead And Button4 - perły, biżu

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//-->Summer sophisticatesString an easy multistrand pearl necklace and earringsby Diane JoliePearls and summer parties gotogether like bubbles andchampagne, but don’t waitfor a black-tie affair to show off thisensemble. Wear it whenever you feellike adding a touch of sophistication.To make the necklace, string pearls ofdifferent colors – one color per strand, asshown here, or mix colors for confettistrands. Dress up the necklace with a ringor fob of crystals and pearls or othermaterials. I like to have more than onefob, switching them to match my moodor stringing multipules at one time. Set108aside a few pearls for earrings. Thefeatured pair incorporates the samebeads and techniques used to make thenecklace. This project offers plenty ofroom for creative interpretation, so havefun making your own party pearls.stepbystepnecklaceWith 4 ft. (1.2m) of thread, tie alark’s head knot (see “Basics,” p. 180andphoto a)on the clasp loop.Thread both ends through a needlebeadandbutton.comand string three round spacer beads, acylinder, and 15 in. (.38m) of pearls(photo b).String a cylinder, three roundspacers, and the other clasp half. Goback through one round spacer(photoc).Snug up the beads.Tie off the thread with a front-back-front knot as follows: Pull one threadout of the needle, and thread it througha second needle(figure 1).With a needlein each hand, tie half a square knot(“Basics”) in front of the pearl strand(figure 2).Turn the necklace over andafigure 1figure 2figure 3fbdgcehrepeat, tying the ends in the same order(right over left or left over right) asbefore. Turn the necklace over again andrepeat to produce a third knot(figure 3).Go through the next spacer andrepeat the three-knot process. Dab theknots with glue and let them dry. Gothrough the next beads, then cutthe thread.Repeat steps 1-5, stringingfive strands of pearls in total(photo d).loop. Complete the loop(photo f).Trim the excess wire.Slide the ring over the clasp’s toggleend. Position the fob on the side orcenter of the necklace(photo g).materialsall•516-in (.4m) strands of pearls, 3 colors,various sizes17-in. (.43m) necklace•62mm round spacer beads•25mm cylindrical spacer beads• toggle clasp (Scottsdale Bead Supply,see ad, p. 3)• beading needles, #12• Fireline B or Nymo D conditioned withThread Heaven• G-S Hypo Cementearrings•322mm round spacers•2ear wires• beading needles, #12• Fireline B or Nymo D conditioned withThread Heaven• G-S Hypo Cementfob(optional)•5-74mm Swarovski crystals orfire-polished beads• 7 in. (.18m) 24-gauge wireTools:wire cutters (for fob)109fobThis ornamental ring dresses upthe necklace, but it’s optional.Make a wrapped loop(see “Basics”) on one endof the 24-gauge wire.String 21⁄2-3 in. (64-76mm) of pearls and crystalsin an alternating pattern(photoe).Experiment with the length to makesure the ring slips over a clasp end andfits snugly around your pearls.Start a wrapped loop close to theend bead and connect it to the firstearringsMake a lark’s head knoton the earring loop with 12 in.(.3m) of thread. String threeround spacers.String an alternating patternof pearls and spacers. Then stringthree more round spacers(photo h).Go through the earring loopand back through the first spacer.Make two front-back-front knotsas before. Dab the knots with glueand let them dry. Go through thenext spacer and cut the thread.Make a second earring to matchthe first.wDiane Jolie is managing editor ofBead&Buttonmagazine.Bead&Button • June 2004Create Fashionable Jewelry withBead&ButtonMagazine!With every issue ofBead&Buttonmagazine, you’ll get 20+ beadingprojects, complete with step-by-step illustrated instructions.You’llalso get shortcuts, solutions, tips,techniques, and inspiration foryour work.IT’S FUN! Make jewelry like a proStylish desnecklaces, igns forbracelets,and earringsCreatestunning giftsMake fashCreativeIdeas forthe Artof Beadsand Jewelryionable jewelr yw w w .b e a da n d b u tt on .c o mcribeSubsday!Toprojectsin everyissue20+Projects fofrom begin r all levels-ner to advancedOrder online code I3D2or call 800-533-6644Monday-Friday, 8:30am-5:00pm Central Time. Outside the U.S. and Canada, call 262-796-8776. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
