Beet Heart Lullaby by RacketGhost, A - D

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Fanfiction Based On Characters From Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight Series
Rated M for Mature
Beet Heart Lullaby
By RacketGhost/Nightshade713
I was not exceptional in any way...
Chapter One
I was not a hip girl.
I was looked over and passed up on more times than I cared to count. I was sweet sixteen,
seventeen, eighteen— nokisses.Ididn’thavemanyfriends.Icouldcountthemononehandand
still have room to spare. I never wore baby blue eye-shadow or even carried a purse until I was a
junior in high school; and it was only because of that time when I bled all over the chair in my
World History class during a presentation by a Holocaust survivor, after which my grandmother
suggested that I carry tampons in something smaller than my knapsack. But even then it was a
worn, denim hand-me-down that was more brown than blue and a far, far cry from those Louis-
Vuitton counterfeits my peers carried.
But I was happy.
grandmother shrinking away outside in her garden. It was full-time work taking care of her vacant
mindthatlzheimer’shadleftbehind.Dadneededlookingaftertoo— I cooked the meals and
cleaned the house and did the laundry and looked after the
and occasionally even
weeded the garden.
I was old for my grade but made decent marks and never had so much as a detention in all my days
atNewton’soutdoorsport shop since I was old enough to work. I was just starting my senior year
of high school and I was a model daughter, student, blossoming young woman.
I was not a hip girl. I was not exceptionally tall, or thin, or fat, or short. I was not rebellious, or noisy.
I was never rumored over, or picked upon, or popular. I crossed my legs at the ankle and was polite
even to people that I did not like. I wore modest clothes that I had rescued from the goodwill.
I was not exceptional in any way.
Which in retrospectmakesmerealizethat’swhytheyneversuspectedmeatall.
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